Thursday, March 11, 2010

Week 8

Wow time certainly is flying, week 8! Now, we're jumping into the world of walks. This is arguably the most difficult aspect to animate, it dictates so much about a character, age, weight, mood, and overall personality. Yet, we are not going into character walks quite yet. First, we must master the "vanilla walk". The aim of this is to just get the mechanics of a walk down, without trying to add any sort of personality, just a ho hum bland ordinary walk. So, for this week, we are just supposed to block out the shot, basically just putting in the major poses so that the essence of the walk is there. Next week we smooth it out and make it all pretty.

Also, we were to pose out a position that communicates "physical strength". I went through a number of poses, I thought I had it nailed from the beginning, but soon found and learned that the first idea is not always the best. So with that, I changed around the original pose some but in the end, ended up scraping it entirely and starting over, I'm rather pleased with the end result, and even did a little fun one afterwards.



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