Sunday, March 21, 2010

Week 10

Wow week 10, 2 more weeks left of class one! This week we were to take what we learned from the bland vanilla walk and spice it up with some character. This could be practically anything, the imagination was the limit. But, like the prior week, this week we were to just block out the animation and get the essence of the walk captured in it. Of course, the best way to do this is to first film reference and then study it extensively. So in comes handy-dandy webcam. Following my love for the undead, I went with a sorta dead leg, lurching kinda walk.

On top of that, we had to pose Stu out again, this time it had to communicate "exhaustion".

On my eCritique, I put up my revised pose of "concerned", yet my mentor took it as both of them being "exhausted"....(good?)

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