Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week 7

This week we continue our quest of overlapping action. But now, we move ahead of the mechanical-ness of "pendulum" and move toward a more "living" character, enter "Tailor". "Tailor" is a cute little guy, basically a ball with a squirrel-like tail attached. We were supposed to build upon the knowledge of last week and implement it into something new. This was definitely difficult. I never knew how complicated the movement of a squirrel's tail was. All of this changing the tail shape from "C" curve to "S" curve to reverse "C" curve was pretty complicated. The first attempt at it, my timing was way too fast. The tail looked all jittery and frantic, like he drank a gallon of coffee beforehand, not a smooth, waving pass as he moved around. After some refining, his tail has finally calmed down a little and looks sorta normal, but still might need some further tweaking in the future.

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