Monday, September 6, 2010

Week 11 (Week 23)

It's the final furlong as we draw close to the end of this term. This class, we had Kenny Roy (thanks Kenny!) take an actual students shot and add what he felt was that final 10% to the shot. This final bit of polish was that extra spit shine on the shot that made it really stand out, like drag and overlap.

This week was the final week of homework. We were to add our own final 10% on the shot as we saw fit. Fortunately for me in this crucial time, I was on vacation. So I got to work on the shot and try to upload it from a boat, which didn't work out too well but it worked out eventually. (Don't get me wrong, the trip was awesome, but the waning of internet was kinda stressful when the school is based online.) I had been trying to learn some basic lighting and rendering techniques so that I could make my shots look more pretty, as well as make the fire actually look like fire and not green blobs. I got some very helpful tips from classmates and tutorials and in the end came out okay.

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