Monday, July 26, 2010

Week 5 (Week 17)

This week, the lecture covered staging and composition in a shot, how to place a camera and set a shot up nice and in an appealing way. Hosted by the very humorous Carlos Baena, he went over how to best set up a shot and have your scene be the clearest as possible. Because what would a scene be if it is unclear? Nothing. And even though this might be more geared toward the later, more acting oriented classes, it is always good to be thinking about when starting any shot and how the composition of the shot is working.

(A million thanks Carlos!)

For the assignment, in typical fashion, we were to take our reference and thumbnails and block out the shot. As an added bonus, I tried out DigiCel's Flipbook application and I must say it is very nifty and pretty easy to get around. This helped out a boat load when planning the overall shot and before moving into Maya.

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